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High Level Summary of Statistics: Population and Migration

Life Expectancy UK and European Comparison
Last updated: September 2017

Life expectancy in Scotland, is still below the UK average, which was 79.2 years for males and 82.9 years for females in 2014-2016. It is also lower when compared with the other countries within the UK. Males in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can expect to outlive males in Scotland by around 2.4 years, 1.4 years and 1.4 years respectively. Females in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have a life expectancy which is longer by 1.9 years, 1.2 years and 1.1 years respectively than that of females in Scotland.

For males, the gap between Scotland and the country with the highest life expectancy in the EU-28 has narrowed over the past 32 years. In 1980-82 the gap between Greece (highest at the time) and Scotland was 4.3 years while in 2014-16 the gap between Sweden (current highest) and Scotland is 3.3 years. Over the same period, the gap between Scotland and the country with the lowest male life expectancy has widened. In 1980-82 the gap between Scotland and Estonia was 5 years while in 2014-16 the gap between Scotland and Lithuania is 7.9 years.

On the other hand, for females the gap between Scotland and the country with the highest life expectancy in the EU-28 has become wider over this period. In 1980-1982 the gap between Sweden and Scotland was 4.0 years while in 2014-16 the gap between Spain and Scotland is 4.6 years. Meanwhile the gap between Scotland and the country with the lowest female life expectancy has remained almost the same. In 1980-1982 the gap between Scotland and Romania was 2.9 years while in 2014-16 the gap between Scotland and Bulgaria is 3 years.

Life expectancy at birth in European Union countries, 1981 to 2015, Males

Graph showing life expectancy at birth in European Union countries, 1981 to 2015, Males

1) Figures are based on three years of data. For example, the 2015 figure uses data for 2014-2016. Source: Office for National Statistics and Eurostat. The scale differs from the corresponding female figure

Life expectancy at birth in European Union countries, 1981 to 2015, Females

Graph showing life expectancy at birth in European Union countries, 1981 to 2015, Females

Footnote 1) Figures are based on three years of data. For example, the 2015 figure uses data for 2014-2016. Source: Office for National Statistics and Eurostat. The scale differs from the corresponding male figure


European Mortality (Eurostat website)

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