Conservation Policy
Conservation Policy
National Records of Scotland (NRS) has a commitment to the preservation of the records in its care and our Conservation Services Branch (CSB), based at Thomas Thomson House, is responsible for the physical care of records.
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Conservation Policy
This policy provides the framework for the work of caring for and preserving the record collections in storage, in transit, when undergoing conservation treatment, during digital imaging or surrogacy programmes, on display including exhibition loan, and the environmental conditions within the historic buildings holding these collections. It supports that part of the NRS mission statement which says that “We collect, preserve and produce information about Scotland’s people and history and make it available to inform present and future generations.”
Download our Collection Care and Preservation Policy (308 KB PDF).
Fragile Records Policy
Staff and readers regularly find records in a condition which would merit attention from conservation staff. Our fragile records policy was developed to set out the procedures for reporting records in a fragile condition.