National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

1991 Census - Revisions and Corrections

1991 Census - Revisions and Corrections

The revisions and corrections to the 1991 Census can be found below. 

29 June 2016

Correction to 1991 Output Area boundaries.
An anomaly was discovered in the 1991 Output Area boundaries where the boundaries for Output Areas 6341DX13 and 6341DX16B were not following the postcodes that they were built up from.


Correction to 1991 Output Area Index.
An anomaly was discovered when converting the Ordnance Survey Tile Reference to easting and northing where for some records, the centroid for the Output Area was not falling within the boundary of the Output Area.  As a result of this, we have removed the field from the Index and replaced it was easting and northing fields.