National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Register of Corrected Entries - Births

Register of Corrected Entries - Births

Typical examples of corrections to entries in the Statutory Register of Births include adding a father’s name after a paternity case, removing illegitimate from column one following the parents’ subsequent marriage and a change to the child’s name.

These two examples are from the district of St Peter in Dundee for the year 1882.

Entry 63 in the register for the birth of Helen Cavanagh has an RCE reference which shows that an alteration is required to the child's name.Example of a register entry with an RCE reference for changing the child's name.












The RCE allows for the child's name to be altered from Helen to Hannah on the basis of a signed certificate from the church minister.

Example of RCE entry to allow for the alteration of the child's name.

















In the second example the original birth entry (number 210) for Catherine Ritchie in the Statutory Register of Births is annotated decree of paternity with a cross-reference to the RCE volume and page.Example of a birth entry with the RCE added for a paternity case.


The RCE entry shows that the father’s name, Walter Nicoll, must be inserted in column four following a successful action brought by the child's mother at the local sheriff court.

Example of an RCE entry for a paternity case.