About the Catholic Parish Registers
About the Catholic Parish Registers
What's Available
There are 415,887 sacramental and other records dating from before 1855 available. For the period post 1855, 771,222 sacramental and other records are available. In total there are 1,181,109 records available.
Digitisation project
Both pre-1855 records and some post-1855 records have been digitised and indexed. The records of the Bishopric of the Forces and Dalbeth Cemetery, Glasgow are complete. Note that the records for Mount Vernon Cemetery, Edinburgh were removed due to issues surrounding their accuracy.
Access to digital records
To preserve the privacy of living individuals, closure periods have been set on the records. Once the relevant time period has elapsed, they are released to the ScotlandsPeople website. These are currently:
Births and Baptisms |
100 years |
Deaths, burials, funerals and cemeteries |
50 years |
Marriages |
75 years |
Confirmations |
100 years |
Confessions |
100 years |
Converts |
100 years |
Communicants |
100 years |
Status Animarum |
100 years |
Seat Rents |
100 years |
Sick Call |
100 years |
Missions and Parishes: Scotland | Pre-1855 | Post-1855 |
Births and Baptisms |
1703-1855 |
1855-over 100 years ago |
214,527 |
278,555 |
Deaths, burials and funerals |
1782-1855 |
1855-over 50 years ago |
7,500 |
10,060 |
Marriages |
1736-1855 |
1855-over 75 years ago |
32,735 |
64,795 |
Confirmations |
1794-1855 |
1855-over 100 years ago |
13,329 |
31,386 |
Confessions |
1839-1846 |
1890-over 100 years ago |
6,646 |
None available |
Converts |
1741-1855 |
1855-over 100 years ago |
505 |
119 |
Communicants |
1782-1855 |
1855-over 100 years ago |
104,458 |
69,337 |
Status Animarum |
1804-1855 |
1855-over 100 years ago |
15,255 |
5,415 |
Seat Rents |
1829-1855 |
1855-over 100 years ago |
8,171 |
12,995 |
Sick Call |
1827-1855 |
1855-over 100 years ago |
2,594 |
None available |
Dates |
1703-1855 |
1855-1958 |
Total number of records | 405,720 | 472,662 |
Catholic Cemeteries: Scotland | Pre-1855 | Post-1855 |
Glasgow: Dalbeth |
1851-1855 |
1855-1959 |
7,996 |
248,058 |
Total number of records | 7,996 | 246,058 |
Catholic Bishopric of the Forces: British Armed Forces Worldwide | Pre-1855 | Post-1855 |
Baptisms and births |
1855 |
1855-1908 |
94 |
12,248 |
Deaths |
1855 |
1895-1959 |
6 |
2,997 |
Marriages |
1836-1855 |
1855-1934 |
2 |
1,401 |
Confirmations |
1855 |
1867-1909 |
2 |
1,038 |
Dates |
1836-1855 |
1855-1958 |
Total number of records |
104 |
17,684 |