Useful Websites - Census
Useful Websites - Census
Click on the links below for information about the census records of other countries:
- Canada: censuses 1825 to 1921 (Library and Archives Canada)
- Channel Islands: 1841 to 1891 censuses (The National Archives)
- England and Wales: 1841 to 1911 censuses (The National Archives)
- FreeCEN: United Kingdom census online (1841 to 1891)
- India - 1851 Bombay census (returns of Europeans residing in districts under the Bombay Presidency on 30 March 1851)
- Ireland - please go to our Useful websites - Irish family history page
- Isle of Man: 1841 to 1891 censuses (The National Archives)
- Norwegian Historical Data Centre: 1865, 1875, 1900 and 1910 censuses for Norway
- United States of America: Census records 1790 to 1940 (National Archives and Records Administration) and a guide to the American census records (ourpublicrecords)