National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Projections Sub-Group - (PSG)

Projections Sub-Group - (PSG)

The Projections Sub-Group (PSG) was set up to advise on the review of sub-national population projections for areas within Scotland. It also advises on the method for a one-off project to produce sub-council area population and household projections for smaller areas within council areas.

Agenda, Papers and Minutes of Meetings

To view a copy of the agenda, papers and minutes of the meetings of this committee click on the appropriate link below :-

Latest Meeting on 17 August 2016

Seminar on 23 March 2016

Meeting on 19 August 2015

Contact Us

Please use our Enquiries page if you wish to contact the Population and Migration Statistics Committee (Scotland).