National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Life Expectancy in Community Health Partnership Areas in Scotland, 1998-2000

Life Expectancy in Community Health Partnership Areas in Scotland, 1998-2000

3 December 2008

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List of Tables

Table 1

Abridged Life Table, by sex, age and Community Health Partnership (CHP) area, Scotland, 1998-2000
(Excel    CSV    PDF)

Table 2

Life expectancy at birth in Scotland for CHP areas, with 95% upper and lower confidence intervals and rank (All people, males and females), 1998-2000 
(Excel    CSV    PDF)

Table 3

Life expectancy at age 65 in Scotland for CHP areas, with 95% upper and lower confidence intervals and rank (All people, males and females), 1998-2000 
(Excel    CSV    PDF)

List of Figures

Figure 1

Life expectancy at birth, 95% confidence intervals for CHP areas, 1998-2000 (males and females)
(Excel    PDF)

Figure 2

Life expectancy at age 65, 95% confidence intervals for CHP areas, 1998-2000 (males and females)
(Excel    PDF)

Figure 3

Life expectancy at birth in CHP areas, 1998-2000, males - Map

Figure 4

Life expectancy at birth in CHP areas, 1998-2000, females - Map

Enquiries and Suggestions

Please contact our Statistics Customer Services if you need any further information.
E-mail: [email protected]

If you have comments or suggestions that would help us improve our outputs or our standards of service contact:

Kirsty MacLachlan, Senior Statistician, National Records of Scotland,
Room 1/2/3, Ladywell House, Ladywell Road, Edinburgh. EH12 7TF.
Telephone: (0131) 314 4242
E-mail: [email protected]

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