National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Life Expectancy in Scottish Parliamentary Constituency Areas

Life Expectancy in Scottish Parliamentary Constituency Areas


Life Expectancy by Scottish Parlimentary Constituency area, Scotland: 2013-2015


Life Expectancy in Scottish Parliamentary Constituency Areas, 2012-2014 including revised estimates for 2005-2007 to 2008-2010


Can be found on the Life Expectancy in Scottish Areas section of this website.

Enquiries and Suggestions

Please contact our Statistics Customer Services if you need any further information.
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If you have comments or suggestions that would help us improve our outputs or our standards of service please contact:

Alan Ferrier, Senior Statistician, National Records of Scotland,
Room 1/2/12, Ladywell House, Ladywell Road, Edinburgh. EH12 7TF.
Telephone: (0131) 314 4530
E-mail: [email protected]

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