National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

People in the most deprived areas live shorter lives and spend more years in poor health

People in the most deprived areas live shorter lives and spend more years in poor health

Wednesday, 27 Feb 2019
Demograpghy News Release Image

Figures published today by National Records of Scotland show that on average, males born in Scotland in 2015-2017 could expect to live for 77.0 years, 62.3 of those being in good health. Females meanwhile could expect to spend 62.6 years out of a total of 81.1 in good health. These figures are closely linked to deprivation with males in the most deprived areas of Scotland spending 22.5 years fewer in good health than those in the least deprived areas. For females, the deprivation gap in healthy life expectancy was 23.0 years.

The latest statistics covering 2015-2017 show:

  • Male healthy life expectancy was highest in East Dunbartonshire where males born in 2015-2017 could expect to spend 68.9 years in good health.

  • Female healthy life expectancy was highest in Orkney Islands, where females could expect to spend 75 years in good health.

  • Healthy life expectancy was lowest in North Ayrshire at 56.0 years for males and 57.1 years for females.

  • Compared to other UK countries and the UK as a whole, people in Scotland have shorter life expectancy but can expect to spend a greater proportion of their lives in good health.

  • People in areas with lower life expectancy can also expect to have lower healthy life expectancy than those in areas with higher life expectancy and to spend a smaller proportion of their lives in good health.

The publication Healthy Life Expectancy in Scottish Areas 2015-2017 and an Infographic are available on this website.
