National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Small Area Statistics on Households and Dwellings (2001 Data Zone based)

Small Area Statistics on Households and Dwellings (2001 Data Zone based)

This section contains estimates of the number of households and dwellings at small area (2001 Data Zone) level

Household Estimates provide data on the number and percentage of dwellings which are occupied, vacant, second homes, occupied and exempt from paying council tax, or that are receiving a ‘single adult’ Council Tax discount. The estimates are available from 2007 to 2014. This data comes from Council Tax billing systems.

Dwelling Estimates provide data on the number and characteristics of dwellings including Council Tax Band, type of dwelling, number of rooms per dwelling and number of dwellings per hectare. The estimates are available for each year from 2003 to 2017. 

The datasets are in Excel format.

Household Estimates

(Max File size 4.1 MB)

Dwellings Estimates

(Max File size 14.5 MB)

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Lead Statistician: Sandy Taylor 

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