Household Estimates
Household Estimates
This section contains estimates of the number of households and dwellings in Scotland, including occupied and vacant dwellings, second homes and trends in household types. There is also information about other sources of household estimates data.
Households and Dwellings in Scotland
Latest | Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2023 Estimates of the number of households and dwellings in Scotland, including figures on occupied and vacant dwellings, second homes and trends in household types. |
Previous | Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2022 |
Archive | Historical Publications back to 2002 Including data going back to 1991. |
Small Area Statistics on Households and Dwellings
Small Area Statistics on Households and Dwellings are also available at neighbourhood (data zone) level. This includes the number of dwellings by Council Tax Band, type of dwelling, number of rooms per dwelling, density of housing; and the number and percentage of dwellings which are occupied, vacant, unoccupied exemptions, long-term empty, second homes, occupied and exempt from paying council tax, or that are receiving a ‘single adult’ Council Tax discount.
These statistics are also published on the website where they can be used as the building blocks for other geographies such as Intermediate Zones or council areas.
Publication notifications and other information for users - ScotStat
You can register with Scotstat on the Scottish Government website to receive notification of when these statistics are published. By registering you will also receive other updates relating to these statistics, including notifications of user consultations.
Information on Household and Dwelling Estimates Across the UK
A paper called Household and Dwelling Estimates Across the UK (PDF 56 KB) gives information on the methods used to produce estimates of households and dwellings in the four UK countries.
Contact Us
Please get in touch if you need any further information, or have any suggestions for improvement.
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Lead Statistician: Sandy Taylor
For media enquiries, please contact [email protected]