Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events - Quarterly Figures: Third Quarter
Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events - Quarterly Figures: Third Quarter
Last update: 12 December 2023
Next update: March 2024
Correction - This publication was updated on the day of publication to correct errors on page 9 regarding the number of deaths from coronary heart disease and on pages 2 and 8 regarding the level of excess deaths.
Key Points
There were 11,897 births registered in Scotland between 1 July and 30 September 2023. This is 7.5 per cent lower than the quarter three average of 12,862.
At 14,136 the number of deaths in 2023 quarter three is 1.7 per cent higher than the quarter three average of 13,894.
The age-standardised mortality rate for 2023 quarter 3 was 1,002 per 100,000 population. This was 4.0 per cent lower than the five year average for quarter 3. This rate takes into account the growing and ageing population and is therefore the best indicator of the direction of the mortality trend.
There were 38 stillbirths (3.2 per 1000 live and still births), 22.8 per cent below the quarter three average of 49.
There were 50 infant deaths (4.2 per 1000 live births), 19.0% above the quarter three average of 42.
There were 10,410 marriages in quarter three of 2023. This was 0.7% higher than the recent average.
There were 426 same-sex marriages, compared with a five-year average of 361.
Since June 2021 mixed-sex couples have been able to form a civil partnership. Of the 224 civil partnerships registered in the third quarter of 2023, 190 involved mixed-sex couples.
There were 34 same-sex civil partnerships, compared with a five-year average of 24.
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