National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Life Expectancy in Scottish Council Areas split by Deprivation, 2009-2013 including revised estimates for 2003-2007 to 2006-2010

Life Expectancy in Scottish Council Areas split by Deprivation, 2009-2013 including revised estimates for 2003-2007 to 2006-2010

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Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation, 2009-2013
(Excel    PDF)

The above spreadsheet contains life expectancy at birth for the most deprived (MD) areas and least deprived (LD) areas of each Council Area in Scotland. This piece of work came about after a request for such data from a Scottish Health Board who were working in conjunction with the Community Health Partnership and Councils within their Health Board area. Their intention was to use the estimates to monitor the inequality gap between those living in the most and least deprived parts of each of the Council areas, in the aim to improve the measurement of local level outcomes in support of Single Outcome Agreements. National Records of Scotland (NRS) decided to produce the estimates as part of an investigation to see whether this sort of analysis was appropriate. It was agreed that if found to be suitable the estimates would be disseminated along with their confidence intervals.

About this Publication (PDF 84 KB)

Including revised estimates for 2003-2007 to 2006-2010


Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)


Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)

2006-2010 Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)
2005-2009 Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)
2004-2008 Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)
2003-2007 Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)
2002-2006 Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)
2001-2005 Life Expectancy in Scottish council areas split by deprivation
(Excel   PDF)


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