National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future



Our population statistics pages describe the demographic characteristics of Scotland’s population.

Stats at a Glance
Key statistical trends: Council Area Profiles; High Level Summaries; and Registrar General’s Annual Report.

Population Estimates
Latest annual mid-year population estimates available for various geographies including – councils, NHS board areas, small areas (data zones), wards, parliamentary constituencies, settlements and localities, urban rural and deprived areas. Also available for various sub-groups including centenarians and by country of birth and nationality.

Population Projections
Latest national and sub-national population projections for Scottish areas. Also access guidance and support if interested in sub-council areas projections.

Quality Assurance
Information on the quality assurance arrangements for administrative data sources used in the production of population statistics.

Information on NRS’ work to explore the feasibility of making further use of administrative data to produce population and household estimates.

Contact Us

Please get in touch if you need any further information, or have any suggestions for improvement.

E-mail: [email protected]

All statistical publications