National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Publication of Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 Annual Report for 2021

Publication of Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 Annual Report for 2021

Thursday, 13 Jan 2022
Image representing front cover of Keeper’s Public Records Scotland Act Annual report

The Keeper’s Annual Report for 2021, published under the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011, has been laid in the Scottish Parliament. It reflects the eighth year of activity since the Act was implemented in January 2013.

The Keeper’s Annual Report for 2021 is available to download. The main aim of the Act is to improve the quality of record keeping in approximately 250 named Scottish public authorities. It requires authorities to submit records management plans to the Keeper for agreement.

We are pleased to report that the voluntary Progress Update Review mechanism, despite being impacted by the challenges posed by COVID-19, remained popular among colleagues. Fifty four submission were assessed and Reports delivered to colleagues for internal reporting purposes.

In total, we have now agreed 246 Records Management Plans and sent 277 invitations to authorities since the Act came into force in January 2013.

In a year when COVID-19 impacted all of society, it has become increasingly obvious just how important good standards of public record keeping are, since records will tell the enduring story of how public authorities have responded during the pandemic, informing our understanding both now and in the future.

I am pleased to say that the Act and my assessment team have been key to supporting ongoing improvements in record keeping within the Scottish public sector during this challenging time. Our engagement with authorities has helped to further promote the benefits of good records management and remains central to the Act’s success. Plans agreed and feedback from engagement demonstrates good practice is being adopted and that the Act continues to promote a new culture around record keeping.
